About Us

Welcome To Greencrest Financial Services Limited

M/s Greencrest Financial Services Limited has been incorporated on 15th February 1993 and previous name of Company was M/s. Marigold Glass Industries Limited.

The Company has changed its name to M/s. Greencrest Financial Services Ltd. as per approval received from ROC, Kolkata vide its certificate of change of name dated 25th May 2013. Even BSE and RBI has approved the change in name of the Company.

Our Company is listed on BSE Limited (BSE) and Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited (CSE).

Our Company is one of the RBI registered non-deposit taking NBFC and is into the business of NBFC activities as well as investing its surplus fund into shares & securities.

1. Mr. Sushil Parakh-Managing Director
2. Mr. Sunil Parakh-Non-Executive Director
3. Mr. Ashish Jha -Independent Director
4. Mr. Janmenjoy Mandal-Independent Director
5. Mrs. Sonali Roychowdhary-Independent Director
Registered Office

8, Ganesh Chandra Avenue,
“SAHA COURT”, 1st Floor,
Kolkata- 700013
Tel : +91 33 2236 1366 / 5426 0173
Fax : +91 33 2236 5520

Name of Compliance Officer

Mr. Praveen Kr. Gupta

Registrar & Share Transfer Agent

M/s. ABS Consultants Private Limited
99, Stephen House, 6th Floor
4, B.B.D. Bag (East), Kolkata-700 001.
Tel No. - +91 33-2220 1043
Fax No. - +91 33- 2243 0153
email - absconsultant@vsnl.net

Email ID for Investor Grievance
